Awards and

AINIA is a member of the Spanish Federation of Technology Centres (FEDIT), the Network of Technological Institutes of the Valencian Community (REDIT), the European Food Institutes (EFI) as well as numerous entities and associations, and has signed agreements and treaties with national and international organisations.


  • Accredited by the Spanish National Accreditation Entity (ENAC) for the testing of agri-food products according to the ISO 17025 standards.

Certificate 97LE211Technical Annex 97LE211

Technical Annex 97LE211 and Public Trial List LPE

Logo ILAC ENAC 97 LE211
  • Within our range of accreditation we have the following accreditation programmes acknowledged by ENAC:
    • “Tests for the Control of Organic Production” (NT-70.09)
    • “Microbiological testing of foods” (NT-70.02)
    • “Nutritional Information Trials” (NT-70.01)
  • Authorised to use the international ENAC-ILAC MRA trademark to report its technical competency on an international level. Reports issued under ENAC accreditation are accepted by all other signatories worldwide.
  • Accreditation and Registration Recognition of Laboratories in the field of Public Health, by various regional and national administrations.
J. Andalucía + GVA
  • Laboratory authorised by Fruitmonitoring for analysis of residues in fruit and vegetables.
  • Designation of AINIA as an official laboratory by the Government of Aragon, to carry out tests under the jurisdiction of the Directorate General of Agri-Food Quality and Safety.
Logo Gobierno de Aragón, Departamento de Agricultura, Ganadería y Alimentación
  • Laboratory designated by the General Directorate of Agricultural and Livestock Production of the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Generalitat Valenciana, as an official laboratory to carry out analyses for the bacteria Xylella fastidiosa and for Candidatus liberibacter spp.
Conselleria agricultura  ganaderia pesca logo
  • Laboratory designated No. 02/2024/FITO, by the Direção-Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária (DGAV) of Portugal for the Official Control of Xylella fastidiosa.
Logo Direção-Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária (DGAV)
  • Laboratory designated No. LO-05/DGADR, by the General Directorate of Agriculture and Rural Development (DGADR) of Portugal for Official Control in Organic Production Quality regimes.
Direçâo de Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural
  • Laboratory designated by the General Directorate of Agriculture, Livestock and Food of the Community of Madrid, as an official Laboratory to carry out analysis within the scope of the Official Control of Organic Production.
Comunidad de Madrid - Dirección general de agricultura, ganadería y alimentación - Consejería de medio ambiente, vivienda y agricultura
  • Designated laboratory by the Agrarian Technological Institute of Castilla y León (ITACyL) as an Official Control Laboratory for analyses within the scope of the Organic Production Programme.
Instituto Tecnológico Agrario
  • Laboratory designated by the General Directorate of Industries, Innovation and Agri-Food Chain of the Government of Andalucía, as a laboratory for carrying out analyzes for official controls in the field of Organic Production.
Junta de Andalucía
  • Laboratory designated by the General Directorate of Agri-Food Production and Cooperatives of Castilla-La Mancha, as an official laboratory to carry out analyzes within the scope of the Official Control Program for Organic Production.
Logo Castilla-La Mancha
  • Laboratory recommended by ADILAC (Lactose Intolerance Spanish Association)
Logo ADILAC 750
  • Authorised by the Spanish Federation of Coeliac Associations (FACE) to conduct gluten quantification analyses of foods.
  • Laboratory designated by the General Directorate of Industries, Innovation and Agri-Food Chain of the Government of Andalusia to carry out analysis for official controls in the field of the ETG differentiated quality of Serrano ham.
Junta de Andalucía


  • ISO 14001:2015 Certification for R&D activities, technical assistance, laboratories, consumer sensory testing, and training. Supercritical CO2 extraction of natural extracts or other processed materials.

Educational Activities

  • Certified by the Spanish Association for Standardisation (AENOR) for the design and implementation of training activities in the agri-food and related areas according to the ISO 9001 Standard.
  • AINIA is registered as a training entity with the SEPE (Public Employment Service of the Government) under the code 6951.


  • Inscribed as number 3 in the Registry of Innovation and Technology Centres.
  • Inscribed as number 57 in the Registry of Offices for the transfer of research results


  • Production of Organic Products (Operator Code CV4817E)
  • Manufacture of Active Ingredients (APIs) based on the requirements of the principles and guidelines of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) for active ingredients as established in art 47 of Directive 2001/83/EC
  • HALAL production certification
  • Service provision controlled by Ecocert Greenlife for CO2 extraction and refining (ID 271268)
Logo ECOCERT Cosmos Natural y Organic

How can I help you?

Basic information on data protection

Responsible AINIA
Address Calle Benjamín Franklin, 5 a 11, CP 46980 Paterna (Valencia)
Purpose To attend to, register and contact you to resolve the request you make to us through this contact form
Legitimation Your data will be processed only with your consent, by checking the box shown on this form
Recipients Your data will not be transferred to third parties.
Rights You have the right to request access to, correct or delete your data. You can also request that we limit its processing, oppose it and request the portability of your data by contacting our postal address or [email protected]
More info You can find more information in our Privacy Policy
DPO If you have any questions about how we will treat your data or would like to make any suggestions or complaints, please contact the Data Protection Officer at [email protected] or at the Data subject support form

I consent to the use of my personal data to process my request, as set forth in your Privacy Policy.

I consent to the use of my data to receive information and commercial communications from your entity.

María Frontera
Head of Quality Department