Articles published by: Eva Sánchez

Eva Sánchez / 30 April 2024

The impact of innovation on the development of the cosmetics industry

The evolution of cosmetic products extends from antiquity, through various civilizations, to the present day. In each historical period, cosmetic products have reflected changes in culture, society, and beauty standards, but it was in the 20th century that science and technology were significantly incorporated into cosmetic processes, driving a true transformation and the beginning of…

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Eva Sánchez / 23 April 2024

Potential of extracellular vesicles as functional ingredient for the food and cosmetics industry

In the framework of the FIVEX project, AINIA has designed a purification and separation system for extracellular vesicles, scalable to an industrial level. This type of process could enable their use as functional ingredients in the food or cosmetics industry, among others. For this purpose, extracellular vesicles from three different sources have been selected for…

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Eva Sánchez / 25 October 2023

AINIA participa en el desarrollo de una experiencia piloto de aprendizaje online en legislación alimentaria

AINIA está trabajando en el desarrollo e implementación de un innovador programa de aprendizaje electrónico (e-learning) para capacitar en derecho agroalimentario de la Unión Europea, a profesionales y estudiantes del sector, con la finalidad de aumentar sus oportunidades en el mercado laboral. La herramienta formativa que se está llevando a cabo mediante tecnologías…Read more