Articles published by: Jorge García Ivars

Jorge García Ivars / 16 May 2024

Organic microcontaminants in wastewater: How to reduce their environmental impact?

Water is a public good, belonging to everyone and for everyone. The importance of water as an essential resource for the development and survival of living beings is beyond debate, making it an increasingly scarce and depleted resource, as well as unequally distributed, as can be seen in areas affected by water stress, which are…

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Jorge García Ivars / 15 May 2024

Treatment and recovery of process water in the agri-food industry

The importance of comprehensive water management in the industry has been extensively analysed in recent years, whether in technological, hygienic-sanitary, environmental, social, or economic terms. Within this significance, the role of technology in the treatment of wastewater as a means to grant water a second useful life (or extend its lifecycle) is beyond doubt. We…

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