
Discover the acceptance degree of your products by means of hedonic behaviour

Acceptance, expectations and interest, strengths and weaknesses on a sensory level, preferences, concept fit, purchase intention, emotions triggered by the product…

Consumer testing is a key tool for new product launches, competitive benchmarking, prototype selection, reformulation, product improvement and optimisation. They are also a very useful tool for validating cost reduction or changes in the manufacturing process and ingredients, for estimating sensory shelf life and for validating sensory claims to communicate on the packaging.

They are particularly useful when developing radically new products, minimising the uncertainty of their market launch, and in the development and launch of new foods:Plant based foods, foods with new protein sources (insects, microalgae), cell cultured meat…

At AINIA we give you value

  • With over 30 years of experience specialising in the agri-food sector
  • Our own extensive database with more than 30,000 consumers
  • CONSUMER MANAGEMENT: Collaborative client platform. Online consumer research management
  • LIVE RESULTS: Quick feedback in real time of the hedonic behaviour regarding a product and its strengths and weaknesses on a sensory level
  • Incorporating consumer opinions and perceptions during the entire process of product development and improvement (consumer oriented).
  • Incorporating consumer information into the product tests to help with product design and communication. Such information includes: product description according to the consumer (CATA questions), packaging assessment, and the creation of the product’s emotional profile.
  • Using applied neuroscience to assist product design, development and communication
  • National and international market studies conducted through the European Sensory Network (ESN).
  • Product differentiation and valuation at the commercial level

Acceptance and Preference Test (CLT, HUT)

Product or consumer tests enable product formulations to be categorised, validated and selected, and are an indispensable step in decision-making with measured risks. They provide real-time feedback on the product’s hedonic behaviour and its strengths and weaknesses on a sensory level. They also incorporate other variables such as emotional impact, expectations created, interest and purchase intention, etc.

We carry out test design and results acquisition using various tools such as RedJade. We can also carry out home use tests (Home Use Test) for certain products such as cosmetics, home care, parapharmacy or pharmacy products.

red jade

Sensory Claims Validation

  • Sensory studies design and implementation to validate sensory claims on packaging. These are designed to highlight the advantages, sensory attributes or differences between products to enhance their commercialisation
  • Sensory claims enable product differentiation throughout the product life cycle and communicate the product’s benefits to the consumer by providing value


Consumer behaviour and food choices are influenced by many factors, some of which the consumer is not even fully aware. Decision-making is conditioned by a complex set of emotions, feelings, attitudes and values that are difficult to assess simply by asking consumers for their opinions. Applying neuroscience methods and techniques allows the measurement of emotional and spontaneous reactions in an objective and observable way. This allows us to predict consumer behaviour better and to evaluate the effects of product communication. It is a good complement to traditional methods when designing and developing products and their communication.

To what extent does a product have the capacity to generate emotions?

How strong is the emotional connection and involvement between consumers and products and brands?

How strong of an emotion is triggered by the product’s image and sensory characteristics (colour, shape, smell, taste, texture, etc.)?

At AINIA Consumer we combine technologies for the automatic analysis of facial expression (Facial Reading), eye tracking and visual attention (Eye Tracking) and the measurement of the galvanic response of the skin (GS), to study the consumers’ unconscious behaviour and emotions, in order to better predict the success of the product.

Application of immersive environments through virtual reality in consumer research

Virtual reality enables contextual factors to be effectively integrated into research, by recreating different consumer contexts to better capture the consumer’s reality. Immersive techniques are a tool to optimise consumer testing and support product development by providing a more accurate prediction of consumer preferences.

At AINIA Consumer we apply virtual reality to incorporate contextual variables in consumer research.

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Responsible AINIA
Address Calle Benjamín Franklin, 5 a 11, CP 46980 Paterna (Valencia)
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Mª José Sánchez
Director of AINIA Consumer