Planes de control

Launching safe products on the market that comply with the current applicable legislation

To guarantee that the products entering the market comply with the current legislation in terms of quality and food safety parameters.

To protect consumers by supplying them with safe products that meet the nutritional specifications on the labelling and with the expected quality.

Respond to the distribution demands of the target market, complying with the BRC and/or IFS standards and with the particular requirements of each supermarket chain.

At AINIA we give you value

  • Laboratories with a high level of accreditation (ENAC, ILAC)
  • QS certification for pesticide residue detection
  • Sample traceability system for batch release
  • Immediate off-specs warning
  • Technical assistance with analytical results assessment
  • Experts in identifying emerging risks
  • Team of lawyers specialized in Food Law

Design of analytical control plans

Defining an analytical control plan is key to ensuring food safety, consumer protection and compliance with legal requirements.

In addition, analysing the right parameters at the right time saves costs and ensures that products meet customer expectations. It also prevents future product recalls or food alerts, thus safeguarding the brand image.

We prepare personalised control plans depending on product type, business volume and target markets.

Our physical-chemical and microbiological laboratories have a high level of annual extended accreditation and accreditations in specific sectors, receiving samples 365 days a year. Food Safety specialists analyse the results and report immediately if there are any off-spec parameters.

How can I help you?

Basic information on data protection

Responsible AINIA
Address Calle Benjamín Franklin, 5 a 11, CP 46980 Paterna (Valencia)
Purpose To attend to, register and contact you to resolve the request you make to us through this contact form
Legitimation Your data will be processed only with your consent, by checking the box shown on this form
Recipients Your data will not be transferred to third parties.
Rights You have the right to request access to, correct or delete your data. You can also request that we limit its processing, oppose it and request the portability of your data by contacting our postal address or [email protected]
More info You can find more information in our Privacy Policy
DPO If you have any questions about how we will treat your data or would like to make any suggestions or complaints, please contact the Data Protection Officer at [email protected] or at the Data subject support form

I consent to the use of my personal data to process my request, as set forth in your Privacy Policy.

I consent to the use of my data to receive information and commercial communications from your entity.

Roberto Ortuño
Food Safety Manager