Advanced industrial-scale technology

Microencapsulation enables the coating of substances containing an ingredient or active compound to create products with enhanced properties, such as reduced degradation, controlled release, prolonged release over time, or targeted release to a specific area within the body.

This technology provides effective protection for sensitive active compounds, such as vitamins, minerals, enzymes, or essential oils, against external agents. By preventing their degradation or interaction with other substances, it ensures that these components maintain their stability and efficacy over time, thus optimising their performance and enabling their application in a wide range of products, from functional foods to cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.

Numerous benefits and applications

  • Protection of active ingredients. Shields active substances from external factors like light, moisture, and oxygen, which are essential for the stability of volatile and sensitive compounds such as drugs, vitamins, or enzymes.
  • Controlled release. Allows precise control over the release of the active ingredient, adjustable based on time, environmental conditions, or specific stimuli such as pH and temperature.
  • Prolonged release. Enables a sustained effect over time, whether for an active compound within the body or a flavour or scent that lasts longer.
  • Ingredient compatibility. Allows incompatible substances to coexist by encapsulating them separately.
  • Enhanced stability and shelf life. Microencapsulation increases the stability and extends the shelf life of substances, preventing premature degradation.
  • Flavour and odour masking. Helps conceal unpleasant tastes and smells, improving consumer acceptance.
  • Accurate dosing. Enables the delivery of an exact, controlled amount of an active ingredient at the right time and under optimal conditions for absorption or effect.
  • Improved solubility. Encapsulation can enhance the solubility of compounds with low water or oil solubility.
  • Sustainable alternative. Biodegradable microcapsules that are environmentally friendly and safe for human health.

Microencapsulated products

At AINIA, we offer advanced solutions tailored to the needs of various sectors and industries, working with a wide range of products:

  • Vitamins and antioxidants
  • Pigments and colourants
  • Peptides and proteins
  • Essential oils, fatty acids, and natural extracts
  • Fragrances and perfumes
  • Probiotics and prebiotics
  • Microalgae
  • Enzymes and active pharmaceutical ingredients
  • Microorganisms for biocontrol in agriculture
  • RNA

Cutting-Edge Technology Tailored to Your Sector

Food Industry

Among the numerous applications this technology offers to the food industry, the following stand out:

  • Adaptation of active compounds and ingredients for incorporation into food matrices, thereby producing enriched or functional foods with advanced properties.
  • New functional ingredients with improved nutrient absorption and bioavailability in health supplements (e.g., bread with microencapsulated iron).

At AINIA, we have worked on products such as:

  • Incorporation of probiotics and use of bioactive peptides in dairy products
  • Fortification with omega-3 in bakery products
  • Addition of natural antioxidants, calcium, and vitamins in beverages
  • Fibre enrichment in meat products
  • Addition of vitamins and minerals in processed foods
  • Use of plant extracts in energy bars
  • Bread with microencapsulated iron
  • Taste masking of unpleasant-tasting actives and controlled release in the intestine


At AINIA, we leverage the latest advances in microencapsulation solutions for cosmetic products, including the combination of different technologies (spray drying, gelation, supercritical fluid encapsulation, liposomes, solid lipid nanoparticles, etc.) as well as the potential for various coating materials, considering factors such as odour masking, efficiency, and improved shelf life of ingredients.

At AINIA, we have developed products such as:

  • Odour masking for strong-smelling extracts and vitamins
  • Enhancement of properties such as taste, colour, and flavour
  • Targeted release to specific cells
  • Micro and nanocapsules to improve topical penetration
  • Protection of extracts, polyphenols, etc.


The European Green Deal’s main objective is to promote efficient resource use through a clean and circular economy. One of its key initiatives is the “Farm to Fork“ strategy, aimed at “ensuring safe and nutritious food and feed, a high degree of animal and plant health and welfare, and clear information on food origin, content, labelling, and usage.“

Among the steps to achieve this is a 50% reduction in the use of agricultural pesticides by 2030. Additionally, the goal is to reduce fertiliser use by 20% by that year. The production of biofertilisers, natural pesticides, elicitors, and agricultural biocontrol agents represents the most promising solution that microencapsulation offers to this sector.

At AINIA, we have developed products such as:

  • Biofertilisers and control agents
  • Controlled-release natural pesticides
  • Protected microorganisms that remain active and viable over time
  • Elicitors


Microencapsulation is highly useful in the development of active, intelligent, and functional packaging with enhanced mechanical and antimicrobial properties.

At AINIA, we have worked on products such as:

  • A prototype of active bio-packaging made from sugars in juice wastewater. We developed microcapsules with antioxidant compounds, which were incorporated into the material (PHB) used to produce an active packaging that slows down the oxidation process of the packaged juice.
  • Extracts and additives incorporated into the polymer before the extrusion process for controlled release and resistance to thermal conditions.

Desarrollo y mejora de producto

At AINIA we give you value

AINIA has more than 15 years working on the development of encapsulated products with advanced properties from laboratory to industrial scale, as well as in the design of specialised industrial equipment for microencapsulation.

  • We are developing ingredients for cosmetic formulations using an innovative double microencapsulation system, which combines our extensive experience in biotechnology with our expertise in microencapsulation process design.
  • Through our multiple work and research lines, we offer a comprehensive microencapsulated product development service, from initial studies to final testing phases, including scale-up studies, pilot tests, industrial production, and the design of specific industrial equipment tailored to each microencapsulation process.
  • We are experts in conducting ad-hoc efficacy studies on cellular models, using cell culture and tissue engineering techniques to evaluate the efficacy of various bioactive ingredients, such as antioxidants, whitening agents, or anti-inflammatory agents.

How can I help you?

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Responsible AINIA
Address Calle Benjamín Franklin, 5 a 11, CP 46980 Paterna (Valencia)
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Daniel Rivera
Microencapsulation Technologies