mcabanes / 16 September 2021

Zoe Mousia

She has been the Head of the Department of Processed Food Enterprises Control since 2011, in the Division of Enterprises Control in the Hellenic Food Authority (EFET) in Greece. She is responsible for the preparation, organization & co-ordination of the official control (MANCPs) on Food Contact materials (FCM), at a central level (setting targets/priorities at national level, co-ordination of activities of competent authorities, production of auditing manuals (check-lists) developing guidelines for control) and of the evaluation of the results from the official control on Food Contact materials and preparation of the annual reports. She was a member of the EFET’s experts assessing the national Guide of «Good Manufacturing Practices on Food Contact Materials-2015». Moreover, she represents EFET in scientific and policy-making committees such as the Working Group of the European Commission for the Food Contact Materials in Brussels since 2009. Also, she is national Representative in the Consumer Health Protection Committee that deals with safety of packaging materials used for food and pharmaceutical products and cosmetics, for the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare Council of Europe. She participates as a national Governmental Expert on Food Contact materials in EFSA’s scientific meetings - member of Food Ingredients and Packaging network. Finally, she was co-author in the BTSF E-learning training course on Food Contact Materials.

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