Identify the source of a product spoilage problem due to the presence of a micro-organism.

Micro-organisms (bacteria, fungi) can cause alterations in the food or cosmetic quality.

At AINIA we give you value

  • Extensive experience in the microbial ecology of food and cosmetics, as well as in microbiological characterisation techniques, including traditional microbiology, molecular biology and mass sequencing
  • We apply the most recent molecular techniques that allow greater safety and efficiency when identifying the specific micro-organism. This includes micro-organisms that cannot be cultivated or identified by traditional techniques.
  • More than 30 years of experience and a team with an in-depth knowledge of microorganism behaviour and ecology in the food and cosmetics industry
  • We provide solutions. Counselling and corrective action proposals regarding product or treatment technology

Diagnosis and alteration studies

  • To identify the micro-organism that caused a microbiological alteration or contamination and the operating conditions that may have led to this alteration. Additionally, to suggest actions for improvement
  • We thoroughly review on-site manufacturing conditions (raw materials, composition, etc.) that may have an influence on product contamination or alteration (processing steps, cleaning patterns, product flows…)
  • Depending on the type of alteration or contamination by pathogens and the information collected, we design and conduct a microbiological characterisation of the altered and unaltered samples to identify the micro-organism causing the alteration
  • We analyze the information. We draw conclusions identifying the possible origins of the contamination. We make improvement proposals to avoid or minimise contamination in the plant

How can I help you?

Basic information on data protection

Responsible AINIA
Address Calle Benjamín Franklin, 5 a 11, CP 46980 Paterna (Valencia)
Purpose To attend to, register and contact you to resolve the request you make to us through this contact form
Legitimation Your data will be processed only with your consent, by checking the box shown on this form
Recipients Your data will not be transferred to third parties.
Rights You have the right to request access to, correct or delete your data. You can also request that we limit its processing, oppose it and request the portability of your data by contacting our postal address or [email protected]
More info You can find more information in our Privacy Policy
DPO If you have any questions about how we will treat your data or would like to make any suggestions or complaints, please contact the Data Protection Officer at [email protected] or at the Data subject support form

I consent to the use of my personal data to process my request, as set forth in your Privacy Policy.

I consent to the use of my data to receive information and commercial communications from your entity.

Sonia Porta
Applied microbiology