We are increasingly committed to having a positive impact on the environment. We also want to improve relations among the different entities and contribute to society with actions designed to promote social well-being.
Since 2018, AINIA has been a member of the United Nations Global Compact for sustainability. The Global Compact is a catalyst for companies and organisations in their efforts to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the most ambitious plan of action for people, planet and prosperity until 2030.
By becoming a member of the Spanish Global Compact Network, we pledge to support the Ten Principles of the Global Compact. We are committed to disseminating and implementing these Principles within our sphere of influence. We carry out dissemination actions through events, project presentations, newsletters, social networks, etc.
R&D&I projects are also developed according to sustainability standards, from the moment the idea is conceived until the process is complete. Our approach is geared towards creating innovative solutions that are consistent with the Sustainable Development Goals. Nowadays, sustainable innovation is a key strategy that incorporates both concepts in the development of new technologies, new products, new packaging, etc.
The majority of our solutions are geared towards the circular economy in order to ensure more efficient and sustainable processes. These include reusing and saving water, biorefineries, bio-production, biodegradable packaging, finding new sources of protein to meet future food demand, and solutions to reduce food waste.
In 2020, the Spanish Global Compact Network and the Rafael del Pino Foundation awarded us the go!SDG 2020 recognition for the ECODHYBAT project for achieving Goal 6 (Clean water and sanitation).
With the participation of Calidad Pascual, Nueva Pescanova and the Association of Industry Equipment Manufacturers (AMEC), this project succeeded in demonstrating that the installation of hygienic eco-design equipment in the food industry can reduce water consumption by 30-40%, energy consumption by 10-20% and CO2 emissions by 20-30%.
AINIA’s commitment to equal opportunities is reflected in our Equality Plan. This Plan guarantees due respect based on the principle of equal treatment and opportunities by eliminating discrimination against women in the workplace and promoting equality between the sexes. With the seal “Fent Empresa. Iguals en Oportunitats“ (Creating Companies. Equal Opportunities) granted by the Vicepresident and Councillor for Equality and Inclusive Policies, AINIA upholds a firm commitment to equal opportunities between women and men. This can be seen through proactive actions in various areas such as employment access, training, internal promotion, reconciliation of family and professional life, work flexibility, communication methods, etc.
The current staff is made up of 60% women and 40% men.
In 2020 we received the EJE&CON award for Gender-Free Talent in the Institution category. This award, granted by the Spanish Association of Executives and Directors (EJE&CON), is in recognition of our policies regarding equal opportunities, talent recruitment and management, flexibility and work-life balance, and professional and personal well-being and development.
In our organization, we are firmly committed to sustainability and efficient resource management.
We strive to maintain the highest quality standards in all our processes, ensuring the protection of the environment and the safety of our employees.
Our commitment is to create a safe and healthy work environment, promoting responsible practices that contribute to the well-being of the community and sustainable development.
Since 2004, we have provided social aid to disadvantaged groups, both in our immediate area and in other countries.
We also collaborate nationally and on a regular basis with organisations such as CRUZ ROJA (the Red Cross), UNICEF and the Valencian Charity Association. Our staff organises and carries out campaigns to collect food, toys, books, or mobile phones for donations.
Internationally, we have participated in emergency aid actions in countries affected by natural disasters or food crises. We coordinated food shipments to areas such as Haiti and Bolivia, and developed projects in collaboration with various organisations, among others:
Responsible | AINIA |
Address | Calle Benjamín Franklin, 5 a 11, CP 46980 Paterna (Valencia) |
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